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Virtual-Reality & NeuroCognition Lab
Prof. Miriam Reiner @Edu.Technion
Virtual-Reality & NeuroCognition Lab
Prof. Miriam Reiner
Faculty of Education in Science & Technology
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
VR.NeuroCog's research mission is to
Enhance Cognitive Learning Processes.
The lab is introducing new Education and Learning technologies, based on novel Neuro-Cognitive and Electro-Physiological research, and using our own innovative Virtual-Reality developments.
We study: Sensory Integration, Memory and Attention, Embodied Cognition, Haptics, Subliminal processing, 3D Perception, and more...
Technologies we use: Electrophysiology (EEG/ERP), VR HMD (Oculus DK2), Depth sensors (Kinect, Primesense, Leap), 3D Power-wall projection, Haptic feedback (Phantom), and more...
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